Studies Conducted to Understand

The Aspects of UVC Disinfection

Los Aspectos de Desinfección UVC

Although the SARS-COV-2 virus is very recent, many studies have been conducted to understand the UVC disinfection aspects of this promising technology. SARS-COV-2 will require, for a high concentration, a minimum of 16.9 mJ/cm2 of UVC radiation to prevent long-term replication.

All of our equipment is tested and proven to give at least 100 mJ/cm2 of UVC radiation, six times the required radiation, so we can be 100% sure that all of our equipment is effective, reliable and safe to use.

Lightiums in collaboration with Anayco laboratories have demonstrated the effectiveness of all our products

To do this, a test has been designed based on contamination with two types of bacteria and with a yeast in Petri dishes, which have been subjected to the germicidal action of the equipment’s ultraviolet lamps. The study is carried out on two strains of bacteria: STRAIN BACTERIA Escherichia coli CECT 515, Staphylococcus aureus CECT 86 and one of yeast: STRAIN LEAST Candida albicans CECT 1394
The 3 microorganisms that were used in the test to inoculate Petri dishes were prepared as:

  • 3.1 x 109 for E. coli
  • 8.1 x 109 for S. aureus
  • 8.0 x 108 for C. albicans

A battery of dilutions is made and the following dilutions of the 3 microorganisms are shown in a Petri dish: Direct, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6. This is done in triplicate, for each microorganism: A control (no exposure) and one with a 5-minute exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The different media indicated in the table are used. Once inoculated, the plates are exposed to ultraviolet light for 5 minutes, obtaining a reduction percentage of 100% in all cases.

Specimen Medium % Reducción
Escherichia coli Plate Count Agar 100 %
Staphylococcus aureus Plate Count Agar 100 %
Candida albican DRBC 100 %

Se realiza una batería de diluciones y se muestran las siguientes diluciones de los 3 microorganismos en una placa de Petri: Directa, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 y 10-6. Esto se hace por triplicado, para cada microorganismo: Un control (sin exposición) y uno con una exposición de 5 minutos a la radiación ultravioleta. Se utilizan los diferentes medios indicados en la tabla. Una vez inoculadas, las placas se someten a exposición con luz ultravioleta durante un tiempo de 5 minutos, obteniendo un porcentaje de reducción en todos los casos del 100% .

Especimen Medio % Reducción
Escherichia coli Plate Count Agar 100 %
Staphylococcus aureus Plate Count Agar 100 %
Candida albican DRBC 100 %

Accreditation and Partners

Our equipment is laboratory tested and CE certified

We offer you a solution for the disinfection of all types of materials, including electrical equipment.

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